Published Works
The Sound The Ocean Makes (Forthcoming)
It is the third death that week. Rabbit is grabbing a box of shampoo out of Section 23-067 when it happens. A box full of weightlifting plates splits open. Down they come, dropping forty stories, hitting Jerald with such a force it cracks the glossed cement of the warehouse floor. …
A Family Should Be Together (Forthcoming)
It was the summer of ’94 and Kurt Cobain had just burned out on the back of a shotgun slug to the stomach. I’d planned to be a rockstar just like my grunge god. I had a black-and-white poster of Cobain …
Ubi Sunt To Everquest (Feb 25)
I have seen the best of my generation ravished by Zlandicar,
the cannibal dragon, necrotic flesh, rampaging first brood.
Westhaven By The Sea (Dec 24)
It’s just the outside that is bruised, my grandfather would say, the fruit inside is still fresh.
My grandfather’s fingers were as gnarled as the apple trees …
Black Stars (Oct 24) (As K. T. Booker)
To my loving Husband,
I will make this short. God knows it will be a lot for you to read. But I will not bury the lede: Erik, I have been having an affair. …
You'd Die From The Beauty Of It (as K. T. Booker) (Oct 24)
It was at the full brunt of midday heat when Jack got his first glimpse of the old man. Far out in the distance, just a black stain along the hazy sea of baked red clay. Twenty three days Jack had chased him.
A Scream That Wouldn't Come (as K. T. Booker) (Oct 24)
The skeleton hung above Eric, noose lashed over a sprawling oak tree. Black pitted eyes stared down. Just like—
Beyond The Slit Of Eternity (as K. T. Booker) (Oct 24)
Hamill woke to the dark. The damp. He knew not if it was day or night. The guards were outside. The pounding of their boots on the stone floor echoed through the iron door of the prison cell. …
The Ghastly Loom (as K. T. Booker) (Dec 23)
He was lost. His quarry was slipping away. Hamill stared bleakly up into the black sky where heavy snow dropped at a sharp angle. He pulled his cloak tighter, …